Sneak peek at a chapter I’m contributing to a book

Sometimes feelings or experiences can be so painful, so traumatic, that to survive, you shut them down and attempt to block them from your awareness.  When I first saw my surgery scars in the mirror, I remember saying to myself, forget about them, don’t look, ignore it and you won’t have to feel it.  It was too upsetting to focus on the ways my body and life were changed.

But what I discovered from my own life and from talking with hundreds of cancer survivors, is that when you “shut down” the painful feelings, you can inadvertently shut down ALL your feelings, until you are left feeling “numb” or “frozen.”

PTSD can make it hard to feel loving feelings, pleasure in the things you enjoy, and even anger can be muted.  In the process of protecting yourself from pain, all the feelings can become muted or shut off.  And when this happens, you lose access to life force energy and important information about what you want from life and how to make decisions that will enrich your world.

I’m contributing a chapter on the benefits of yoga therapy in addressing emotional blunting in cancer survivors. Emotional healing requires a tender and compassionate look at what leads us to protect our psyches from pain and strategies for gently coming back into life and learning to feel more.

The Benefits of Mantra, Meditation and Visualization

Do you know the benefits of mantra, meditation and visualization?

Benefits of Mantra

  • Effective at interrupting negative thinking, obsessive worry, and rumination
  • Helps the mind focus on a neutral, uplifting idea
  • Stimulates the vagus nerve to relax the nervous system
  • The tongue touches meridian points in the upper palate that correspond to the brain and glandular system, creating a state of emotional well being
  • The vibration itself creates chemical changes in the brain which feel good, even blissful
  • From a spiritual perspective, chanting helps us align with the Divine in ourselves and in the universe

Benefits of Meditation

  • Effective tool for understanding and managing emotions
  • Increases our ability to extend compassion to ourselves and others
  • Creates stability of mind
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Lowers stress
  • Lowers anxiety and depression
  • Reduces pain
  • Improves capacity to tolerate discomfort
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves immune system functioning
  • Improves memory

Benefits of Visualization

  • Lets you enter a state of relaxation
  • Interrupts and reduces insomnia, anxiety, and fear
  • Helps overcome limiting beliefs
  • Helps you remember your strength and confidence
  • Sets positive intentions and directs you to see possibilities
  • Helps you tolerate procedures and treatments more easily
  • Stimulates healing responses in the body and mind
  • Feels good!

Enjoy this video I’ve created for you.

If you’re joining me for 40 days of meditation in the JoyBoots 40 Day Meditation Facebook Group, I’d love to hear from you how you’re benefiting from this practice. If you haven’t joined us yet, it’s not too late.