Finding Resilience in Uncertain Times
If you are a cancer survivor, you are used to living with uncertainty. But I’ve been hearing from so many people that the last few months have been even more
The 3M’s: Movement, Mindful Awareness, Meditation
5-10 minute video recordings of a yoga movement, meditation, visualization or mantra for cancer survivors to use throughout the week.
I was immersed in the practices of kundalini yoga for the past 25 years (since 1998) and this is what I have primarily taught in my Yoga and Talk Therapy groups and JoyBoots classes.The combination of sound (mantra and music) with the rhythmic movement practices and breathwork have been deeply healing for me and for my students.
I will continue to share what I call the 3 Ms-Movement, Mindful Awareness, and Meditations that have been healing for me and others, especially over the past 12 years that I have worked with cancer survivors. I continue to add to my tool kit from many other traditions and to be open to lifelong learning and discerning.
However, I want to make it clear that I stand with and support the women and men who have come forward to bravely discuss, process, and heal from exploitive manipulation and terrible sexual abuse they suffered from Yogi Bhajan and other lead teachers in 3HO who emulated him. Adult children (aka the Second Generation) have also shared the traumatic effects of being separated from parents at very young ages, to attend boarding school in India where many were neglected or abused.
In the interest of justice and accountability, It’s my belief that any remaining funds owned by any of the kundalini yoga or Sikh Dharma community companies such as Yogi Tea, AKAL Security, 3HO, SSSC, KRI and properties should be liquidated and dispersed among the second generation and the women and men most adversely affected.
If you are a cancer survivor, you are used to living with uncertainty. But I’ve been hearing from so many people that the last few months have been even more
About 10 days ago, something happened to a loved one that scared and shocked me. It was a life or death situation and I was far away. The good news
It’s hot! And when you are hot you can feel irritable, uncomfortable in your body, and less tolerant than usual. Cancer survivors often experience hot flashes from hormonal medication or
This video demonstrates an easy exercise cancer survivors can do to help calm the mind and integrate thoughts and feelings into the bigger understanding of life. Bilateral stimulation of the
What makes yoga and meditation so effective at lowering anxiety and renewing energy? How can you integrate what you learn in class into your life? How do the practices increase
Take a few minutes to reclaim and befriend your body, your energy and your day. People who have had cancer often adjust to significant changes, side effects, and managing discomfort.
This is the 8th exercise from Kriya for Immune Fitness, an excellent kundalini yoga set for the lymphatic and nervous systems. In this exercise, breathe in and out though circled
“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting
Cancer survivors need practical tools to integrate their treatment experiences and the many emotions they have. This kundalini yoga exercise creates a bilateral stimulation by activating both sides of the
Cancer survivor yoga practice. This video is exercise #4 from Kriya for Immune Fitness. It’s also a practice recommended for managing lymphedema of the arm. The clap connects both sides
I’m a licensed clinical social worker and yoga teacher practicing in Austin, Texas. My writings and videos represent a combination of my own personal opinions and my professional training, but they do not reflect professional or medical advice. Interaction with me via the vlog or blog does not constitute a professional therapeutic relationship. For individualized professional advice, you should seek the services of a therapist who can dedicate the time necessary to get to know you and your physical and mental health needs. I do not assume liability for any portion or content of material on the vlog/blog and accept no liability for damage or injury resulting from your decision to interact with the website.
© 2024 Kelly Inselmann. All Rights Reserved.
Website Conception & Design by Tracking Wonder
When I remember my Joy Boots… I feel grounded, connected to the earth and my place in it. I accept my body with its vulnerabilities and sensations. I am aware of my breathing and able to breathe deeply. I am connected to my own life force energy.