Here’s what I’m thinking about the cancer experience this week.
Isn’t it bad enough you have to get yourself to appointments when its cold and rainy? And that you don’t feel your physical best?
But to see and feel impending doom in the country when you are worrying about just making it through the day?
It can be demoralizing.
Cancer doesn’t stop for politics and neither do your treatments (so far!), medications, or need for self care as you recover.
To stay buoyant, your body appreciates feeling grounded and your mind stabilized (or at least distracted in a positive way). When you can’t help yourself to do these basics for your health and healing, reaching out to your community is called for. And that’s what I’m doing today for my own mental health and yours if you think it’s right for you.
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Joy Boots for Cancer Survivors
Encouragement, companionship, community and support for cancer survivors.