Feeling Moody?

Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being. The experience of a cancer diagnosis and its treatment can lead to various emotional and psychological challenges. 

Here are some key points to consider:

1. Emotional Impact

   – Diagnosis Shock: Receiving a cancer diagnosis can lead to shock, fear, and anxiety. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed.

   – Mood Changes: Patients may experience sadness, anger, or frustration throughout their journey.

2. Common Mental Health Issues

   – Depression: Feelings of hopelessness or persistent sadness can arise due to the stress of the illness and its treatment.

   – Anxiety: Worry about treatment outcomes, finances, and the future can cause significant anxiety.

   – PTSD: You may develop post-traumatic stress disorder, especially if you experience a traumatic diagnosis or treatment process.

How to Cope?

Engage with family, friends, and support groups. Look into counseling, therapy, or support groups specific to cancer.

Practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises can help manage stress.

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