Invitation to Join JoyBoots Yoga and Talk Community

JoyBoots for Cancer Survivors is a program at the intersection of mental health, emotional wellness and the cancer experience.

I have 30 years of experience helping people recover from anxiety, depression, and trauma, and 17 years as a cancer survivor and caregiver.

As a clinical social worker and yoga therapist in private practice in Austin Texas I’ve offered cancer survivors yoga classes and therapy groups on a weekly basis for 15 years.

Join me in this JoyBoots community re-boot. No matter where you are in your own cancer or caregiving experience-whether 20 years out from treatment, or recently diagnosed-there is something for you in my 6 Principles for Emotional Health and Healing that I share in class and in posts.

Paid Subscribers (6$/month) have access to live JoyBoots Yoga and meditation classes on Wednesdays at 6pm CT (and recording).

To keep reading, consider being a JoyBoots subscriber.

Joy Boots for Cancer Survivors

Encouragement, companionship, community and support for cancer survivors.

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