Ten Ways The Recent Election Is Like Being Diagnosed with Cancer

The biopsy came back and the news is not good.

Here are 10 things the election and a cancer diagnosis have in common:

  1. You hope for the best, fear the worst, can’t actually imagine it happening, and then it’s even worse that you thought.
  2. So much is beyond your control and you feel powerless to fix it.
  3. You keep forgetting, like when you are asleep. Then you wake up and there are a few moments before you remember. And then it’s like waking up into a nightmare.
  4. People don’t respond how you might have expected.  Some will disappoint or hurt you in their failure to empathize. Some will surprise you with their kindness by reaching out.
  5. You will need social support and connection.
  6. After the shock, when it sinks in, you will need to express your thoughts and feelings, not keep them inside to fester.
  7. Grief is natural and inevitable. So is anger. Let it out.
  8. You may get caught in anticipatory grief or fear. Do not dwell there. Find ways to appreciate and feel safe in the present moment.
  9. While you cannot fix the entire problem alone (I mean, only a crazy person would suggest that you can), there will be many things you can do to strengthen yourself and help others. Be proactive.
  10. Put your JoyBoots on. We have work to do and fun to have!

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Joy Boots for Cancer Survivors

Encouragement, companionship, community and support for cancer survivors.

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