One of my former yoga students was featured in a video produced by the University of Texas Mental Health Channel. She eloquently shares her cancer story, shining light on what’s left behind after cancer, how her healing journey progressed and how it has impacted her mental health.
Among the symptoms, side effects and emotions that get left behind there is also hope and gratitude. Hope for better tomorrows. Hope for healthier tomorrows. Hope for happier tomorrows. Hope of lasting memories with loved ones. Hope for more birthdays. Hope for a fulfilling life. Hope for reaching dreams, even if differently than we imagined.
However you’ve been affected by cancer and wherever you are in your healing journey, I hope you’ll take time to watch this short video, What Cancer Leaves Behind.
And if you’re on your healing journey and curious to know how to use yoga as a tool, please join me in the free, online weekly yoga classes I teach every Wednesday at 12:00pm CT. Email me at to get the link to join. I hope to see you there!