Gratitude Meditation

This meditation is for remembering the many things-including relationships- that we already have and are grateful for.  Inhale what you are grateful for, exhale a fear.  It can be anything that comes to mind, a warm place to live, your cat, a healthy meal, friends, loved ones, etc.

Breathe in through the nose, exhale through the mouth, then inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.  Switch AFTER THE INHALE.

Breathe your way into appreciation as a meditation wherever you happen to be: home alone, Thanksgiving table, waiting in line, the doctor’s office.

I’m breathing in gratitude for the JoyBoots community today.

Sitting with Uncertainty

Uncertainty is a challenge, whether in your personal life, as a result of your diagnosis, or in our society.

This practice is a guided meditation for feeling grounded and tracking your inner experience, followed by a meditation with the mantra Ek Ong Kar Sat Guru Prasad, Sat Guru Prasad Ek Ong Kar.  This mantra cuts through negative thinking.

The mantra recognizes the interconnectedness of all things and union with the divine, as well as a surrender to the Infinite (however you imagine that to be).

Energize with Right Nostril Breathing

Deep Breathing sustains and energizes us, benefitting the lymphatic and nervous systems.

Energize and become more alert this week with Right Nostril Breathing.

Inhale deeply through the right nostril to draw in energy and openness to possibility.  Exhale completely, letting go of fatigue, stress, and anxiety.

In this moment, everything is already ok.