Embracing Life

Give yourself permission to enjoy life and choose activities that bring you pleasure and joy, even if outside your comfort zone. Cancer Survivors sometimes blame themselves when they feel fatigue or pain after doing activities that are important for their vitality. How can we both accept our vulnerabilities and be willing to embrace life?

Beyond Pleasure and Pain

Cancer Survivors (like all humans) are often moving emotionally between feelings of gratitude and difficulty tolerating discomfort or pain. We long to hold on the the moments of pleasure and turn away from discomfort. Learning to observe the present moment helps us to tolerate and sometimes even appreciate what is happening. Short guided meditation. www.joybootsforcancersurvivors.com


Being the Observer

Practice being the Observer of your experience. By learning to take a step back and observe what you are thinking and feeling (instead of just reacting to it), over time you can develop greater ability to tolerate discomfort, pain and challenges of the cancer experience. You will also be more aware and appreciative of the positive parts in the present moment.