Finding Resilience in Uncertain Times

If you are a cancer survivor, you are used to living with uncertainty. But I’ve been hearing from so many people that the last few months have been even more difficult because of societal strife, stress, and fears about the future.

It’s the truth that things feel and are less predictable.

I don’t know how to fix it, but I do know I’m continuing to turn to my 6 Principles for Emotional Healing and Resilience.

They are not linear, but you do always have to start with getting real about what you are facing if you want to heal. (Scroll to the end for an exerpt from Step One in Healing Well).

Whether it’s contending with cancer or fearing for democracy (or any of the many other challenges of modern life), resilience lies in community, connection, and self expression (as well as the 3 Ms you learn in yoga-Movement, Mindful Awareness, and Meditation).

With things in our society seeming so disorganized, I’m making it my goal to contribute in the small ways that I can.

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Joy Boots for Cancer Survivors

Encouragement, companionship, community and support for cancer survivors.